Tools of the trade

Ethical web design trends 2022

Published: 11 Feb 2022

We recently published a blog post about 2022 ethical website designs you should avoid. But if you’re in the middle of a website rebuild or re-design, you might be wondering what trends are ethical and good to follow. This blog post explores some of the design elements and features you should consider when designing a website that works best for your users. 

What is ethical web design?

There are a few key components to ethical web design. The best way to think about designing a website ethically is by always putting your users first. This means you should:

  1. Provide clear information and easy-to-follow actions to take.
  2. Make it easy for users to opt in and opt out as they see fit.
  3. Ensure you’re not manipulating clients or customers through design, either accidentally or purposefully.
  4. Create websites with accessibility in mind so everyone can enjoy and interact with your website.

What’s changing with web design in 2022?

Since the core of ethical web design always remains the same, new trends usually have to do with positive innovation. WCAG 3 (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines 3) is currently in development with specific aims to create better websites for everyone. The main changes include making information easier to understand and more accessible for everyone. Some specific ways website designers and developers are making changes to how they design websites include:

  1. Putting an emphasis on conveying messages clearly.
  2. Using neat, user-friendly interfaces.
  3. Avoiding overuse of animations and popups. 
  4. Ensuring easy navigation.
  5. Incorporating more accessibility features and highlighting these access measures in an obvious way.

2022 web design trends that put users first

While understanding the foundation of ethical web design practice is key, it’s helpful to know what innovations you can take with your own website. The following are trends that are gaining momentum:

  1. Using co-design to bring in your target audience to help you design the website in a way that works best for them.
  2. Ditching minimalism, fancy animations, or other design elements that might compromise the utility and accessibility of a website. (Note: you don’t always have to ditch these things, only when design elements actually are compromising the utility and accessibility of a website. Just make sure you don’t priorities fancy features over the people using your site!)
  3. Making it more obvious on your website how you include accessibility features so users can navigate more easily. 

So, what should you do now?

If you focus on clear information, clear steps, using easy interfaces, and putting users first, you’ll be good to go in ensuring your website follows ethics. 

And if you follow the current Website Content Accessibility Guides, WCAG 2, you’ll naturally include many of the best practice components of ethical web design.

If you want support with updating your website, you can reach out to the team at Digital Bridge. Digital Bridge is a web development and web design agency based in Fitzroy, Melbourne. You can contact us at or +613 8658 2434.