Tools of the trade

Include videos on your site to boost SEO

Published: 28 Jan 2021

Communicating what your business can do through videos

Videos can be an important part of your online marketing strategy. A good video can keep visitors on your website longer and give you the opportunity to communicate what your business is all about. Videos aren’t right for every website, but they might be helpful for yours if you want to create a more engaging website and you know you can create content that you can communicate effectively through video.

Increasing website engagement through video

When done well, videos can be entertaining and keep people on your website for longer. We have short attention spans and videos are great at capturing attention. Videos can be used in many ways, including demonstrating products, telling a brand story, or sharing experiences.

How videos improve SEO

In general, videos can help with SEO. If your website is more engaging, it is beneficial to the overall picture of your SEO health, and videos are usually more engaging than written text on a page. However, there is a specific type of SEO called video SEO which you may also benefit from when you add videos to your website. 

There is a video tab in Google search results. People often use this tab to find information videos about products or “how tos”. If you work in an industry where people might have questions and want to watch a tutorial, this might be a good area of SEO to focus on. Sometimes, it can be easier to rank high in video SERPS (search engine results pages) rather than the general SERP.

Beyond video SEO, including videos on your website can provide visitors with important and useful information which might keep them engaged on your site for longer. In general, videos keep people looking at websites for longer and the longer a visit is the more important a webpage will seem to Google. This might give you a boost in your rankings.

What kind of videos you can create

If you’re not a professional videographer, the idea of creating videos might seem daunting. Although hiring a videographer or marketing firm to create videos for your site can be great, it can be costly and time consuming.

You can create simple videos yourself if you understand the basics. You don’t always need to create videos with the highest production quality or create animations that will wow your audiences. Sometimes all it takes is finding a nice space to set up and recording a video while you talk directly to the camera and demonstrate how to use a product.

Learning how to use basic video editing can help you cut parts you need to delete, add music, and do some minor graphics.

If you know you’re going to need a bit more for the videos you have in mind, it might be a worthwhile investment to consider hiring someone to create evergreen content that will add value to your site.

So, do you really need video?

If you’re trying to decide whether to add videos to your website, the question you should ask yourself is “will videos add value to my business?” If the answer is yes, then it might be time to include video as part of your online marketing strategy.

Just remember that a good website should answer the questions your user has, give them the information they need to take the next step, and provide a seamless user experience.

And if you have questions about how your website can benefit from including video you can contact us at Digital Bridge at or +613 8658 2434.