Social Media Tips

Published: 15 Nov 2021

Digital Bridge has put together a brief list for finding hashtags and writing your own social media copy. Read below to find out more.

Tips for Creating Social Media Copy

1.    Use a call to action.

2.    Include hashtags that are relevant but do so sparingly.

3.    Hashtags can be used within the copy of the post (e.g. “Learn about how to have #success at work”) or at the end of a post (e.g. “Learn about being successful at work. #success).

4.    If appropriate, tag relevant individuals or organisations. 

5.    Create posts that people can respond to and engage with (e.g. ask questions and use a friendly, approachable tone).

6.    Consider your audience. 

a.    If you’re posting the same post to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, make sure the post is suitable for all three platforms. 

b.    If you’re creating different posts for each platform, LinkedIn posts can be longer and more professional, Twitter can be shorter and straight to the point, and Facebook is a bit of a mix of both. (You can refer to the link previously sent about tailoring your posts for each platform).

7.    Include images when possible. You can attach an image, but sometimes platforms will show an image in the preview on the social media post itself. 

Find your own hashtags

Not sure how to find good hashtags to use? Think about the work you do and what your customers come to you for. You can write down a list of these activities and topics and then use popular hashtag lists to compare against or search the hashtags on the social media platforms you use. If you search the hashtags on the social media platforms you use, you can see how often these hashtags are used, what kind of engagement posts with these hashtags get, and understand what kind of content people usually post when using these hashtags. Remember to use hashtags sparingly and when relevant.