Tools of the trade

What's the Ideal Length for Website Copy?

Published: 01 May 2019

Why word count matters

Although the quality of your content is more important than the number of words you use, the amount of content you’re including on your webpages still matters.

Some leading SEO software experts recommend a minimum of 300 words per page noting that if content is too short, Google may fail to rank your site.

How long should your content be?

Numbers vary, but overall, website copy should fall between 300 words and 2000 words to get the best results. With blogs specifically, some experts recommend either a minimum of 300 words or a minimum of 500 words.

The exact word count you need use on any specific page isn’t set in stone. It’s up to you to write copy that’s concise, creative, and compelling. If it just so happens you need 2000 words to do that, then that’s fine! Just be sure to refrain from adding any ‘fluff’.

Other things to consider regarding your website copy

Having good website copy is one of the best ways to work on improving your rankings. Other great ways to make sure your copy is working effectively at helping you rank and getting you more business include:

  • Using SEO-friendly formatting (e.g. short paragraphs, header tags, meta description, etc.)
  • Using the right keywords.
  • Ensuring your text is readable by a wide range of people.
  • Editing until it’s perfect.
  • Using SEO software or plugins to check how effective and optimised your content is.

If you’re struggling to write good copy for your own business, hiring a copywriter can be a great investment.

Do you want to find out more about optimising your website?

Digital Bridge can help you with your online presence. You can contact us at or give us a call at 03 8658 2434 to chat about your company’s goals.

Digital Bridge: Professional Website Design, Website Development and Website Management Services, Melbourne, Australia