Portfolio of companies providing high-quality automotive products and solutions

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The group of companies formally known as GUD Holdings changed its name to Amotiv. The existing GUD Holdings corporate site required an update and refining of design to reflect new company name and branding to Amotiv.

Having built the existing website we were very familiar with the company and the marketing team responsible for the website, making it easy to understand their goals and the high standards to which the company sets for itself and suppliers.



Amotiv (Formally GUD)-approach


Requirements included:

  • A modern and clean corporate design tailored to the investor community
  • Highlighting of training modules
  • Optimised user interface and user experience for both desktop and mobile devices
  • User-friendly presentation and navigation of site and content
  • Best-practice technical SEO

in addition to the website we created a portal for human safety worksheets as PDFS for HR translated into Chinese, Thai and Korean for workers. These were categorised and easy to find, grouped by company divisions.

Amotiv (Formally GUD)-result


The Amotiv  site is an example of how a business can refresh and refine their existing B2B website to reflect a change in business while maintaining the existing sitemap and similar functionality. It's also an opportunity to upgrade small design elements to reflect current trends and user expectations.

The resulting Amotiv website is a clearly structured, information-rich resource for investors and the public alike. The content management system allows easy uploading and display of regular ASX announcements as pdfs, interactive Share Price charts, and integration of secure-access webcast presentations.

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