A personalised stamp system developed for World Stamp Expo 2013

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Digital Bridge was approached by McKellar Reknown Press to help build a system for Australia Post to create personalised stamps. The system was showcased at the World Stamp Expo 2013 at the Australia Post stand.

Digital Bridge’s role in this project was to find a way of automatically affixing camera photos to print-ready stationery pdfs. The pdfs had to be generated within seconds, while maintaining high-quality photos and layout. To find a solution we turned to our usual problem-solving toolbox: Agile, Open Source and Flexible.

The system was showcased at the World Stamp Expo 2013 at the Australia Post stand, where many visitors took up the chance to pose for a photo and walk away with a unique set of real stamps.



McKellar Renown Press-approach


Not knowing exactly what the final set-up would be like at the World Stamp Expo, we created a product that could be easily modified if needed, tested and deployed in seconds. Throughout the Expo we were able to respond in real time to the workflow on the showroom floor, helping smooth and speed up the process as needed.

McKellar Renown Press-result


This project was not one of just software development, but also of knowledge of networks and cross-platform samba sharing. We built our own "mini-cloud" from the ground up.

We also used open source code libraries instead of an off-the-shelf software package, which can sometimes be expensive and in-flexible. This meant we could make the software solution behave exactly as we needed it to without any sacrifice to overhead.

Digital Bridge designs, develops and manages powerful websites and web-based applications for Australian businesses. We are based in Smith St Fitzroy, Melbourne.

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