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DeltaMed provides highly regarded, professional, exam preparation courses for Basic Physician Trainees taking their RACP exam in Adult Medicine.


DeltaMed reached out to Digital Bridge because they had seen some of the other websites that we'd built in the online eduction space. They were also keen to work with a web development agency based in Melbourne, like themselves, with whom they could communicate with quickly and within local business hours.

The existing DeltaMed website was coming to the end of its lifespan - the company needed a new website with a modern design and a more streamlined process for users to select, register and pay for the online and in-person basic physician training courses.

It was important that DeltaMed could fully manage all of their website content, courses, user accounts and payments on their own. Our team recommended building the website using Laravel PHP, a powerful and scalable web application framework widely used for building complex web applications.


We conducted a comprehensive discovery phase to gain information about DeltaMed's business and user requirements.

Based on client discussions, we created a brief that outlined the website's interface design and user experience. Our design team created Figma mockups that showcased the website's visual design, typography, colour scheme, and imagery.

Once the design was approved, our development team began building the website using Laravel PHP, adding functionality such as user account management, course management, Stripe payment processing, and invoicing. We also developed a custom CMS that allowed easy management of all of these elements.

After a few rounds of revisions and testing, the website was launched successfully.


Since the launch of the website, DeltaMed has seen an increase in course registrations and customer satisfaction. The website's user-friendly interface and easy-to-use registration and payment system have made it quick and simple for customers to sign up and pay for their courses.

The custom CMS has also made it easy for DeltaMed to manage their own updates to the website. 

The website has become an important tool for the company, helping them to continue growing their business and providing their highly regarded online and in-person basic physician training courses.

If you're looking for a web agency to build a course registration and payment system on your company website, please get in touch with Digital Bridge. We'd love to work with you.

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