About website internal search functions

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About website internal search functions

What is website internal search?You may have heard of website internal search functions before, either referred to as site search or website search. In short, s…

Tips and Tricks

Top SEO trends in 2021

Although many aspects of SEO will likely always remain relevant, as Google continuously updates their algorithm, new SEO practices emerge. If you’re looking for new ways to work…

Tips and Tricks

Analytics that let you know your website isn't performing well

For this blog we will be discussing ways to use Google Analytics to understand your website performance.

Tips and Tricks

Why your website isn’t performing well

There are different ways to think about website performance. You might think of it in terms of ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs) or you might think …

Tips and Tricks

Reasons you aren’t ranking for your keywords

One of the most frustrating things you might experience when trying to market your business online is not ranking for your keywords. Even after thorough keyword research and trying…



We have scheduled some network updates for next Saturday, 31 July 2021. These network updates will involve IP address changes, which means that your site may be unavailable for…

Tips and Tricks

Five web design trends of 2021

During 2020 and 2021, we have spent a lot more time online. It’s no wonder that the amount of time we’ve spent using the internet has led to some very strong trends within…

Tips and Tricks

How renovating or rebuilding your website is like renovating a house

You may have already read our blog about how creating a website from scratch is like building a house, but if you already have a website, you might be wondering about renovating or…

Tips and Tricks

How Building a Website is Like Building a House

If you’re building a website from scratch, it’s helpful to understand what the process is like. Once you meet with a web design agency and work through the discovery process,…

Tips and Tricks

Why you should plan your website content first

Creating a roadmap for your website When you’re starting out on a new website project, you might already know the basics you need to include: a home page, an about page, a…

Tips and Tricks

The Homogenisation of Websites

Back in the early 2000s, websites were certainly something else. You might remember the glory days of MySpace and an era before online shopping really made much sense. There were limitations…

Tips and Tricks

How to include videos on your site (and how it helps SEO)

Communicating what your business can do through videos Videos can be an important part of your online marketing strategy. A good video can keep visitors on your website longer and…